Wednesday 22 April 2015

Character design: Geno-Thane

1.So I wanted to make a character with a bizarre  and alien appearance for a creator-type of entity. Giving it a powerful appearance with an angelic form, giving a halo-like crown around the head. Taken an inspiration of the Frankenstein's monster by making several parts of the body different to each other and organic growths appearing all over the armour and spider-like appendages out of the back.

2. Adding the the lines over the pencils and would eventually remove them or make them more faint in areas that won't need any line once it's coloured. Wanting to have a glow in the character, so the background colour needed to be dark to make it work. 

2. Started with a dark blue and made the selected colour more lighted until it has a faint glow for the edges. Knowing that the lines be in the way to ruin the effects so they needed to be taken out around the head and lower neck.

3. Giving a purple cloak and green sashes would go well with the character, made certain they aren't too bright and go with the organic armour. One of them would be lighter then the rest just to give it a multi-coloured look.

4. Adjusting the colour to a lighter tone for some areas, leaving the rest be a shadow where the light doesn't cast over. That way they would not look plain and simple,  doing the same for the blue sashes then 

5. The extra arms with blades were originally going to be red but it didn't seem to work as they didn't fit well so I went with brown. Using the same technique I used for the cloak on these limbs, using more darker brown in some parts.

6.  It's right arm is given a jaded- colour as I thought seems right and make it shine brighter. If he is to be some creator type of deity, his body is going to have some parts that seem out of place and alien by his appearance.

7. Now for the gaps in his body, since I made his head all just a simple energy I thought these would be filled with similar stuff but more brighter.

8. Adding an outer glow in the cracks to make it more like a glow, same for the hands so that it would look like he was performing something or just a god with a bright glow around him.

9. Going more depth of shading for the armour, not to go too much as there has to be a limit to the space between the armour plates.

10. The halo has to have a feel to show it is a powerful angelic being, gave it a crown-like appearance rather then a full circle hovering above it's head. A gold colour was going to be difficult so I went something near it but starting with a browns colour. The list of colours beside it are what I picked to paint the halo and make it shine bright.

11. Going from one colour to the next gets a better feel for the crown/halo and finally give it an outer glow. Once it was fully done, I can now begin with the background.

12. Now for the back needed to be a celestial background, I was given ideas from my classmates that it could have a nebula, so I decided to give a blueish mist. I did not want to give it feet for reasons as it is more of a spiritual being and would be legless.

13. Going for a pink mist under the cloak with the inside more brighter as it slowly begins to fade away, like how fire works with the centre all orange and turning bright yellow when it fades.

14. Giving it an outer glow throughout the body so that it gives a feel like it's an actual god, not wanting it to have a thick glow but just so it's alright, not in the same colour so the bottom would have a faint purple.

15. For the final touches, I added a few stars in the background and also a swirling mist like something was being created by Geno-Thane, drew some lines where they would go and use make them thicker and make the centre more brighter.

As this is what it looks like how, a celestial god and truly like how this turns out in the end. The story behind the character will be added and link to the tutorial soon. Hope you enjoyed the tutorial.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Elemental characters

So far my negotiation project is halfway done (almost) and thought of showing how I got the ideas and development. Two of the characters I'm focusing on are elemental types and talk about them in this blog.


1. I gave it a water coloured base to try some experiment on colours. Wanting to give it a fiery colour scheme with bright orange and yellow. It was a little tricky of which order to go with, like starting from red to yellow as I had once normally expected from watching some shows but looking at the Sun's core as it is very bright and goes red/orange as the heat cools from the distance.

2. Scanned it in and tried another idea of blending the digital paints with the water colours. Removing all pencil lining to give it a real look of a blazing feel. Making sure that the yellow areas were bright and the orange would be on the 'edges' and by the wings as they make a fold. 

Decided to do some work on the body, build up layers of fire as they usually go upwards. Giving it more fire on the back so it would not just be on the back of it's head. What was difficult was to make sure not to overlap some of the colours as the red has to be small and thin on the wings while the yellow gives more light.

Used the smudge tool to give the wings more flow and spread some of them around like actual fire.

3. Now to give it a glowing effect, I turned the background dark to make sure I know what I'm doing so that the firebird won't be too bright or rough glow, I took the orange to match with the outer flames. Setting them to the proper.

4. As it is finished I added some minor touches to the flames, give them more brightness and glow so that it stands out more in the dark. Now a fiery phoenix born from the flames and spread it's flames by flapping it's wings.


1. Using the sketch to start with before doing the digital painting doing a little more on the body so that the scans would not miss anything on the body and the mountains. The one on top is one of the early sketch ideas for how it should look but wanting to go for the plain sand/rock type of giant. Wanting the mountains to be scaled down to give him an enormous size compared to them, making sure they have some roughed edges.

2. To make it's entire body into sand, they needed to have a light and soft brown texture. The last time I did it for the dune illustration was a little tricky but took some thought on how it works now and did some experimenting with the colours to find the right one. Above the picture is a row of different shades of brown for use before colouring the character. Leaving the rocks for a different layer to work on a different layer, same for the mountains.

3. Some thought of the idea of the sand swirling all around the entity like a tornado, creating a lighter tone of brown and use a thiner brush to do the trick. Giving it a touch of sand debris falling from it's body but wanting them to look faint and not too much solid to them. 

I was given some suggestions to mix it ups with the sketch s some of them would work well, so I decided to redo the lining, not too hard on the lining so that they would blend much better with the sand and rocks, they needed to be dark brown first before given some soft light on the texture, 

4. Starting with the mountains after finishing some touches on the giant, gong for a different sort of brownish colour. the hardest part of the task would be on the direction the light is at and make one side lighter, one dark for the shading from one side, but it also has to be on the giant as well to work like I did for the front neck and shoulders.

5. I decided to cut off the bottom and add more sand to cover the bottom, interact with the giant's body as if a sand storm was passing by. Finally the sky, started with a dark grey blue until it becomes lighter as it goes higher.

6. Now for the final touch, is to add clouds to give a real feel of the scenery, some of it would go over it to show such scale and size. Blending the send with the bottom of the body. Now completed as the ancient titan rises from the Earth and create new mountains, start quakes and shift the landscape however it likes.

Thursday 9 April 2015

New location for Waugh Games

We just moved all the products into the new and bigger unit for Waugh Games. Even have a new logo. Anyone who dont know what it is, its a hobby and game centre for people to come around, buy war game figures like warhammer, iron kingdoms, Spartan Games and Dropzone. The address and phone number are in the bottom page of the webpage so you can come around to visit anytime.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

youth culture

Youth Culture
The word “teenager” was used to dscribe the category of young people from 13 to 19 years of age, around the late th century they were usually referred as “young adults” and still in today mostly. Started forming an age group over the years with its own riguals, rights and demads. Not jut an age group but also the new age of social life in individuals when they come of age between a child and adult.

Many youth cultures were starting to form, giving rise to hippies in Europe around the year 1962, or as they were commonly referred as “beatnkis and the United States who favour love and freedom along with the freedom of music, drugs, and even sex while going places where ever they like to make a revolution, race hardly even matters to them as they. Usually criticised by many in those days as people who don’t want to work for careers and against governments and militaries even after the second world war. They started a series of festivals. Spirituality became more open in religious cultures and more popular into rock music back in those days, the Beatles were among the most popular bands in the music media.
  • Right: Usually common when youthful fans are very entheusiastic of meeting their idols from music bands, TV shows and movies. Police and security tend to keep them from getting too close to them should they get out of control. Although judging by the picture it was not so easy keeping the frantic crowd under control.
A growing number of teenagers started to rebel, mostly against their parents in favour of pursuing their own goals which can either be good or bad depends how they are raised or in the area they live in. Mainly because of the rules which makes them feel like they’re being stripped of their rights of freedom. So it kinda gave many teenagers ideas of for music, media and culture.

But in the late 20th century, numerous gangs have been formed in cities, mostly youth cultured groups that are either good and bad in society since the 1920s. Authorities had to tckle the growing youth-related crimes in 1981. Many of the violent gangs have taken names, symbols

According to current news, students who considered leaving school tend to turn their backs because of the rising number of medium and low-level students being more accepted then those considered to be ‘overqualified’ for a job. Showing that not many would want earn a degree if they need to.

Lots of teenagers, mostly guys would wear outfits like hoodies and in the 50s, wore greaser jackets in those days when teenagers started going through many changes in the mid-20th century.

These days, a lot of teenagers are portrayed as anti-social, drink a lot, get into trouble with authorities, smoke, get addicted to drugs and have sexual intercourse on a daily basis. Others are just portrayed as victims of certain crisis and future of the next generation. So basically, they’re all true in ways.

Japanese Youth Culture

Well known for having districts for Anime, cosplay and games for people of all ages. They have a lot of people, mainly those who are teenagers dress up in costumes not only for conventions but unique fashion sense, when watching a few music videos of japan's music it was really hard to tell if the musicians were either a guy or a woman by how they're dressed and wear make up which makes it more confusing.

The most common impact on youth culture is the Anime and Manga that more common in Japan, restaurants with bright colours and flashy advertising. In honesty many people who don't understand Japanese language will be confused or having the urge to understand what they are on about. 

Books for Teenagers
Teen books are usually the best sellers in the market for many to read, some of those I know of that are fictional in horrors, fantasy and science fiction that are most popular. Girls tend to read romantic-type of stories that have a lot of emotion and drama they like to see, while guys like action, horror and usually science fiction and fantasy most that have creative worlds.

Teenage: The creation of youth 1875 – 1945

Juke box Britain: Americanisation and youth culture

Commissions and Communications

My research on Commissions and Communications. Wrote down what I know from research and understand how it works.

So this would help me understand more of commissions/briefs and how to be careful when accepting from clients, not to jump right in or it would cause problems for me. But on the bright side would greatly build up my reputation and how to organise these things by getting to know the client and people to help out if problems occur.