Thursday 28 April 2016

New Genesis Earth 2015 A.D.

So here is the map I made to show what the Earth in New Genesis looks like in an alternate universe, I was thinking wether or not I would make one but, readers and would-be fans are gonna ask what they look like and how much is different compared to ours. So I had to look for a map with blank and borderlines, it took longer then I thought to get the details right and thought which countries would likely be different.

The rest would remain the same so I just focus on some for the time being. May contain some spoilers but just a working concept for the fictional universe to give you the idea so far.

After the New Genesis event occurred in 1962, the four races across the world cease warfare and settled on the new changes that have happened to their world, the majority of the governments ultimately voted for a peaceful negotiation to hopefully build a peaceful coexistence with them. But it did not stop there as many things have changed over the decades.

In the early 1980s, the United States of America and the Soviet Union ultimately collapsed through civil unrest, politic conflicts and riots since the discovery of using the alien artefacts commonly referred in the 21st century as “Gen Artefact”. Many voiced their own concerns against the actions since the assassination of the Lemurian ambassador Natheah, which lead to the disastrous moment that would forever change the fate of humanity. The effects from the alien relics had spread almost across the globe on certain individuals. The four races and many factions are slowly adjusting to their new world and expanding outwards throughout system in the early 21st century, 

since the event, a peacekeeping Order known as the Society once a secret society from human civilizations for untold centuries became known to preserve the peace between the four races, find and secure the Gen Artefacts from the wrong hangs to ensure another New Genesis never happens.

1. The Wildlands:

Territories once part of the United States now inhabited by those forced to survive on their own after the US dissolved. The most notable inhabitants of the Wildlands are the Endre, a name giving to those who have been exposed by the Gen Artefacts and forced to survive in the former US states that were quarantined after the New Genesis Event and now live as hermits and remain isolated from the world for some reason other then their mutations and mixed rumours. 

There are still some human communities that either stayed willing or had been left behind by their governments.

Most of it has now been in a state of stife by warlords and former US loyalists seeking to claim much of the Wildlands as they can for obvious reasons: revenge, create a new order, or to seek power. However, the other reason for being called the Wildlands is due to mutations from the alien relics have altert some of the wildlife and still wonder the territories. 

Most of Russia has also been quarantined and given the similar name but the current status of that area is so far unknown but very likely have similar type of creatures inhabiting the area.

Mexico is planning on to reclaim some of the non-controlled southern territories they can for the hope of a new nation of Aztlán, even if they are prepared for conflict against any warring factions.

2. Cascadian Alliance:
(more to come)

3. Texan Federation:
Since after the War of Ignorance ended, Texas was one of the first to succeed from the United States after the humiliation the nation received of the First Contact incident and the inhumane experiments the public was outraged and suffered enough and seeing the corruption within the government. They were the first to succeed to become a sovereign nation and mostly allied with the New Republic of America as most of the current generation wishes to rekindle the bond with the rest of the continent. The Texan Federation, or mostly referred to as the "T-Feds" seeks to maintain a strong military power to protect their country and survive against any challenges thrown at them in the new era.

4. Lakotah Republic:
A tribal nation formed by the Native Americans  who wished to earn a sovereignty of their people in the North American Borders since the collapse of the USA, being the smallest and youngest nation in the former US territories the republic is more on friendly relations with the Kronan Ree Tribes , the Society and some factions in the northern Wildlands. Creating a confederation of races and cultures to form a peaceful community and has some form of military to defend themselves while close the Wildlands. The government is run by a group of 'Elders' who are valued for their experiences rather then social status. 
5. Kronan Ree Tribes:
The Kronan Ree Tribes agreed but kept the territories they annexed from the US, Africa, most of Brazil rainforest and Oceania and treated humans fairly over the years. The Kronan Ree are a race very much similar to humans, but can change their forms from human to that of a beastfolk-like creature and are a genetically diverse species that are divided into tribes led by the continents they hail from: Nor Amor (North America), Sou Amor (South America), O'Shahn (Oceania), Afo'kan (Africa), Norasia (Aisa), Auroben (Europe).

During the war they took the opportunity to reclaim some of their ancestral lands after long histories of conflicts between Kronan Ree and human,  forming an alliance with the Lemurians for common grounds of survival by starting riots and political paranoia from within. One of the biggest advantages they succeeded was the Afo'kan Tribe brought most of the African states into an alliance, founding the Greater African Commonwealth in hopes of restoring the homeland 

to it's former glory.

The Sou Amor Tribe have been in a long feud with Brazil over deforestation to the Amzon Rainforest and claim much of it as their territory until a union was declared between both species to save the Amazon in 2001.

The O'Shahn Tribe declared some of the ocean their territory using old warships they scavenged from the wars and ancient technology to defend the colonies, including islands as well.

North Eastern Europe claimed by the Auroben Tribe who wish to restore some the ancient cultures of their Nordic ancestors, Christianity is openly accepted but anything such as Nazism or anything of racial ideology is strictly forbidden. They are mostly tolerant to humans who still live in the Kronan Ree territories and those liberated from the Soviets.
6. Protectorate States of America:
The states that stayed loyal became the Protectorate States of America, a successor of the United States after the collapse. Despite the results they're still one of the strongest states over military, economic and trade influence. Mostly rivals to the 

7. Lemurian Empire:
A civilization of greenish blue skin humanoids with the given appearance of elves in western mythology, the Lemurians have long lived beneath the oceans in vast artificial colonies built by their ancestors thousands of years ago to sustain the remnants of their race to survive. By preventing problems like
 corruption, population growth, and most of all to avoid being discovered by humans at the time between the 18th and 19th centuries, they discovered an ancient gate technology that only linked to Mars to set up a new colony for their people. They not only relied technology to advance their civilization, but spirituality and balance between them and all of the Earth’s since the majority of Lemurians have developed the ability that surpasses humans and Kronan Ree.

After the war, they annexed India and some of the southern Asian countries under their protection in mutual understanding to remain neutral avoid war and offer to make them into protectorate states of the Lemurian Empire for the time being, although they made laws to prevent poaching on animals they consider sacred especially the tigers from their barbaric practice in greed and superstitions in medicine. 

8. European Federation:
(more to come)

9. South African Union:
(more to come)

10. Union of Brazil:
(more to come)

11. Djinn Regime:
The Djinn are subterranean and have a colony on another planet in the solar system, so they won't appear on the physical map.

Deviantart: link