Monday 10 September 2018

Recent Updates

So I hope everyone enjoyed the summer as the weather as the nice sunny weather is over, been preparing for my first solo exhibition in a shop that's offered to set them up for me, so thought it be a big step to show my work to folks in town. Been taking evening classes at an art museum MIMA and enjoyed it to keep my skills up to date and meet other artists and other groups.

Did a glassing on a jar and wanting to do a wolf head, wanting to do something easier and simple for me since its been awhile that I did glassing. So far not so bad wand made the 'fur' texture since it was there was not much time to get it completely white.

From MIMA this was one of the life drawings I did from a model we did for working on ideas and techniques, so I used chalk and white coloured pencils with the brown paper to mix together, had plenty of time to get the body right and make some shading in most places.

Working on limited additions to the Shadow Wolf and decided to rename portrait and bought two frames for these after printing them for the exhibition and liked how they turned out in good quality.

Sunday 8 July 2018

Grey Wolf

Been ages since I've uploaded my blog considering that I've been busy job hunting, and decide to make up the lost cause by getting my art business grow in the meantime.

This is what I did today of making animal portraits and decided to make a wolf first as they are one of my favourite animals. Inspired by the Game of Thrones emblem and thought this could do well as a banner for House Stark. Used greyish watercolours to make the fur and the background, maybe do some more work on the background for the shading or another layer.

what do you think should I use this for my future project of making GOT emblem portraits?
