Monday 4 November 2019

Peacock portrait

Did some watercolour using photos I’ve taken from a trip awhile ago and used them together to make a group portrait of peacocks, first time doing one with feathers but like how they look so far. 

The grass I thought to use my brush to make soft texture, same for the rough feathers for the smaller birds and leave some white areas where they have lighter colours

Sunday 20 October 2019

New comic

Been working on a comic for awhile and planned out ideas for characters and story arcs, thought to start out for a pilot issue and see what others would think of it. It is the reboot version of the New Genesis idea but decided to go for an open world setting but a similar story and races, earth will be mentioned as a group of humans or a possible new race evolved after long periods of time away from earth, some would consider it a myth or unable to find their ancestral home world like the other three races brought to the alien planet they inhabit. I will inform you all following my blog when the first issue is up. So in the meantime here are the sneak peaks of pages and a cover I’m working on.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Updats: Water colour portraits.

Been doing some painting over the summer and uploading some now here to show what I've been doing. So apologies for the delay and here's what I've been done.

Basically taken some snapshots of animals like the peacocks and thought to make a flock together using photos of some I've taken. Wanting to get the grass look right and tapped it to make patterns and different shades of green. Working on the feathers and will update the finished version of the portrait.


The next one I thought to make a wolf and originally inspired by House Start's emblem using colours and make the fur and background a winter theme. Worked on the shading and go a small frame for it to show how it looks after printing a copy for display.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Demon swordsman and Tank mech (working progress)

so been doing some sketches for certain characters and maybe some advice or help be nice while working on them. based on the original sketches I did as a kid and wanting to redesign them.

One of the characters I drew was inspired by General Grievous from the original clone wars animated movie, and wanting it to look somewhat like a demonic swordsman with multi arms. So for the idea for him be to change the swords or redesign them as some sort of trophies he claimed from previous battles he won and drew some sort of tank mech and gave it a tail (not sure why lol) but for the new version will look better without it. So will work on them more like the others I will upload shortly.
Tank robot
Demon swordsman

Sketches of the designs I've done so far.