Friday 11 September 2020

Weasel pen illustration

So had some drawings with one of my sketches and did a little improvement on the background for a certain weasel portrait using pens. One of the stuffed animals we used back in college and thought after going through my pages to use it. Making the background differently from the original photo to add some more natural features like a stones, a branch a rock with it crawling over it.
This be the original photo I took when during the day I did some illustrations of animals in college.

Early sketch of the weasel using brown pencil for experimentation and later on used pen for a different pose to try out ideas. 

Sunday 24 May 2020

The Fall of DA

Well, its official, Deviantart, once a great art network community after nearly 2 decades has become a shadow of its former self. All thanks to the people in charge to decide using Eclipse thinking the new format will make it.... better, which made it look terrible, its hard to navigate, unable to sort out where the journals are and not even given bothered ot maybe change the color or choices if they wanted to make it better for a new look. but instead has made it clunky and too flashy. There have been a lot of members talk about leaving and move to other places like Artstation for serious artists, I'm only keeping my account on cause of all the art I favourited over the years and want to look at for inspiration. After being a member of the DA for 13 years, they let fellow artists down and made it worse. So I wont be uploading my work on it anymore and only favouriting artworks that I like or get ideas to inspire.

check it out if you not seen what Eclipse looks like

Friday 28 February 2020

Sketch and artwork updates

been doing some paintings and sketches lately and working on more to catch up on my skills so they don't get rusty. I've managed to get around to finish up the crab with a sandy background and some rocks but getting there, will need some white since I ran out so I had to improvise. still working on it and will let it dry first before get some paints needed to add a bit of layering. And will work on the top as some works and bit of shading later.

The latest one is a sketch of a creature I'm working on as a fire-based character from one of my childhood drawings as a kid and decided to go through my old sketches and remake them after all these years, making this character more agile, flexible with his extended tendrils in place of fires and have the body made up of armor and stone-like skin with the fire coming out of the gaps including the head. Was inspired by the balrog when I first saw it years ago when it first came out and made this. 

This one I did recently based on a watercolored portrait from my sketchbook when I was in college and make a new one on a canvas art using acrylic paint. Made certain to use a photo to help know the color and shading to get the texture right for the feathers and trees. Wanting to take more time drawing and painting while job hunting to be a good artist as I can be to get these noticed, so doing more as I can with more sketches for ideas for future projects.

Friday 21 February 2020

Sea crab acrylic in process


So what do you guya think of this so far, finally got around to finish up the crab with a sandy background and some rocks but getting there, will need some white since I ran out so had to improvise. still working on it and will let it dry first before get some paints needed to add a bit of layering. And will work on the top as some works and bit of shading later.
Will add another post when I get some more touches to it

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Winter wonderland

So this might have been later but here was a portrait in blue water colour theme for a snowy winter as a Christmas gift for my grandmother’s friend, she asked me to make something of a landscape for her. Took a thought of what to make but since I thought Christmas was coming up, I thought why not make a winter wonderland theme but use blue water colour paints as a try out. Did a few that didn’t work so decided to do one in the day with faint blueish sky and snow, darker blue for the distance and trees. I shown it to my grandmother and she really liked it, even her friend thought it was really good so that was worth a Christmas present.