Friday 28 February 2020

Sketch and artwork updates

been doing some paintings and sketches lately and working on more to catch up on my skills so they don't get rusty. I've managed to get around to finish up the crab with a sandy background and some rocks but getting there, will need some white since I ran out so I had to improvise. still working on it and will let it dry first before get some paints needed to add a bit of layering. And will work on the top as some works and bit of shading later.

The latest one is a sketch of a creature I'm working on as a fire-based character from one of my childhood drawings as a kid and decided to go through my old sketches and remake them after all these years, making this character more agile, flexible with his extended tendrils in place of fires and have the body made up of armor and stone-like skin with the fire coming out of the gaps including the head. Was inspired by the balrog when I first saw it years ago when it first came out and made this. 

This one I did recently based on a watercolored portrait from my sketchbook when I was in college and make a new one on a canvas art using acrylic paint. Made certain to use a photo to help know the color and shading to get the texture right for the feathers and trees. Wanting to take more time drawing and painting while job hunting to be a good artist as I can be to get these noticed, so doing more as I can with more sketches for ideas for future projects.

Friday 21 February 2020

Sea crab acrylic in process


So what do you guya think of this so far, finally got around to finish up the crab with a sandy background and some rocks but getting there, will need some white since I ran out so had to improvise. still working on it and will let it dry first before get some paints needed to add a bit of layering. And will work on the top as some works and bit of shading later.
Will add another post when I get some more touches to it