Monday 9 August 2021

Portrait commissions

 Been awhile and got some new images I’ve been working in lately for awhile as I’ve been a little busy for course works and new ideas working on. So here are what I’ve been doing to show you all. Been taking commissions from a community and did some guinea pigs, chickens and a Shepard dog.

Heres what I’ve done for a commission Ive taken, it was a little slow with limited paint supplies but gotten much as I can get for this portrait for a bloke who wanted a painting of his dog so I thought o give it a go. At first at the Community farm I might have beeen rushing a little with the paint with limited time we had and get the image right by position while painting it, but luckily he gave me the picture of his dog to get the face do e. So i had to think of how to pull through and improvise, some hard time getting the shading right for the fur, but I think this looks really good and just some minor touches for some parts to complete it.

The farmer was very pleased with how it was made and shown it to others in the farm of my talent. I was happy of how it came about and be doing more work in the near future.