Tuesday 29 March 2022

Ford car portrait

A car show be coming up with one in Croft Supercar show this year, the JCP Community farm asked me to paint a portrait of a car, it was actually the first time I painted one so gave it a shot. Had a look at the photo and figured how it should look snd get the position right, taken snapshots to show the progress from each step of how I did it.
source: https://www.jpcspecialistmotorsports.com

So to start out I used the photo they picked for me to do, took a thought of how it would fit on the canvas, Drew out the shapes and where to paint as the lines would be painted over.

Then used yellow and would do more than one layer over the texture of the canvas, started s9me with black before adding the grey highlights.

With the windows and more parts of the car coated with more layers, once ready would add other colours to the portrait.

For the final touches were the number 64 and the wheels, had to do circles to be sure they were right but found it a little tricky for making the number in a awkward position but was close enough and so far liked how it the portrait turned out in the end.

Didnt want it to have a blank background so gave a greyish theme and used masking tape sround the corners to give it a white border look for the auction.