1.So I wanted to make a character with a bizarre and alien appearance for a creator-type of entity. Giving it a powerful appearance with an angelic form, giving a halo-like crown around the head. Taken an inspiration of the Frankenstein's monster by making several parts of the body different to each other and organic growths appearing all over the armour and spider-like appendages out of the back.
2. Adding the the lines over the pencils and would eventually remove them or make them more faint in areas that won't need any line once it's coloured. Wanting to have a glow in the character, so the background colour needed to be dark to make it work.
3. Giving a purple cloak and green sashes would go well with the character, made certain they aren't too bright and go with the organic armour. One of them would be lighter then the rest just to give it a multi-coloured look.
4. Adjusting the colour to a lighter tone for some areas, leaving the rest be a shadow where the light doesn't cast over. That way they would not look plain and simple, doing the same for the blue sashes then
5. The extra arms with blades were originally going to be red but it didn't seem to work as they didn't fit well so I went with brown. Using the same technique I used for the cloak on these limbs, using more darker brown in some parts.
6. It's right arm is given a jaded- colour as I thought seems right and make it shine brighter. If he is to be some creator type of deity, his body is going to have some parts that seem out of place and alien by his appearance.
7. Now for the gaps in his body, since I made his head all just a simple energy I thought these would be filled with similar stuff but more brighter.
8. Adding an outer glow in the cracks to make it more like a glow, same for the hands so that it would look like he was performing something or just a god with a bright glow around him.
9. Going more depth of shading for the armour, not to go too much as there has to be a limit to the space between the armour plates.
10. The halo has to have a feel to show it is a powerful angelic being, gave it a crown-like appearance rather then a full circle hovering above it's head. A gold colour was going to be difficult so I went something near it but starting with a browns colour. The list of colours beside it are what I picked to paint the halo and make it shine bright.
11. Going from one colour to the next gets a better feel for the crown/halo and finally give it an outer glow. Once it was fully done, I can now begin with the background.
12. Now for the back needed to be a celestial background, I was given ideas from my classmates that it could have a nebula, so I decided to give a blueish mist. I did not want to give it feet for reasons as it is more of a spiritual being and would be legless.
14. Giving it an outer glow throughout the body so that it gives a feel like it's an actual god, not wanting it to have a thick glow but just so it's alright, not in the same colour so the bottom would have a faint purple.
15. For the final touches, I added a few stars in the background and also a swirling mist like something was being created by Geno-Thane, drew some lines where they would go and use make them thicker and make the centre more brighter.
As this is what it looks like how, a celestial god and truly like how this turns out in the end. The story behind the character will be added and link to the tutorial soon. Hope you enjoyed the tutorial.