Thursday 24 October 2013

Demographs of Science Fiction and Fantasy novels

The traditional theme of the sci fi/ fantasy novels have now portrade both male and female characters as equal by their character roles and express themselves more for the audience to know and understand the characters more. One of the characters from the fantasy novel series Harry Potter Hermione Granger, a young witch who studied in Hogwarts and very knowledgable of the wizarding world which makes female characters like her as one of the supporting examples for female characters.

Back in the early days, most novels were mostly of one type of theme; for science fiction it was purely of futurisitc, space adventure. For fantasy it was of heroes fighting beasts and evil sorcerors to save a damsel in distress. Obviously signs of a single gender dominance which usually feature a strong, handsome men who seem to show off their physical features, and alongside them are scandily clad beautiful women. such examples to narrow down are the John Carter series and King Kong. Obvious signs of attraction the most audiance to see the characters in such appearance.

But until over the years, these genres soon changed and slowly blended with other genres and the two together to create new ideas and inspirations. Most novels have been written by women and leveled the demograph between two gender themes instead of one over the other. One such novel  Frankenstein's monster was written by a 19th century writer Marley Shelley.

Although some traditional roles remain after many years but have improved for many reading audiance to merge with other genres like romance, adventure, action, even fantasy to expand the imaginative minds.

Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias

Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias also known by his nickname Genzoman is a Chilean freelance artist who infused manga and western illustration style together. The majority of his work are historicly famous people, characters and creatures from varied cultures mythological and biblical legends, but over time his work and imagination have expanded to games, cd covers, movies and anime. Genzoman's work is also found in his first published book with nearly all the mythological and bibical characters with a background story on each page.

I have been a fan of his work for awhile and really like he uses the manga-style to make the characters and creatures. He really got a good idea of how they would look in his imagination. Made some fan arts of game and comic book characters.

Raymond Swanland

Raymond Swanland is an digital artist who focus mainly on science fiction and fantasy theme illustration. His most notable creative artworks are mythological creatures, characters and robots for many part-time careers over the years. His style of art are something that shows a different world from someone's imagination and symbolism for his desire to express his art to others. After he reached adulthood, Raymond went into a career of creating artwork for novels, video games, comic books, tattors, CDs and movies.

He believes that everyone is entitled to their own ideas and imagination as a commodity. Creating art as storytelling and worked on video games such as Oddworld Inhabitants along with many of his work. Over the years he now had the ideal of changing the world of art to reach a large number of people through borders and social classes by telling stories through films.
Above and Below: Two examples of his work are among many of his illustrations are found in the trading card game called Magic: The Gathering, working alongside with many illustrators to create what they can imagine for new trading card.

Below: Among other artworks made by him are found in most novels in the UK multi-player board games called Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 owned by the game company Games-Workshop. One of the novels he made for the cover was The Macharian Crusade: Angel of Fire

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Veronica Lawlor

Lawlor has also drawn sketches of models when travelling across the US drawing icons of America for studios and companies, even in other countries for her journalism in magazines to show her work in advertising. Her work can be found in many art museums like the National Council for Social Studios, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Puck Gallery, Gallery 12482 and exhibited in Washington

Veronica Lawlor shows a talant of creating illustrations with primary and secondary colours with the line drawn portraits, close to being pop art by the colours. Her skills in art are interesting to sketch buildings such as new york and add colours to make them appear bright. I find the use of colours in this illustration work well for the lights and adverts, even though it left most of the buildings and people blank.

Krishna Chavda

Creative force behind NANU Illustration, Krishna Chavda has the skills of observing and record people, people and anything that she could draw. Shows a passion for surface design and create repeative patterns and prints for fashionable use.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

George Butler

George Butler is an illustrator who creates his artwork using pen, ink and watercolour. He shows a sense of adventure and goes many places such as Turkey and Syria, recorded stories among people he met. His drawings can be found in varied of media; BBC, ARD television Germany, NPR (USA) and CNN twice.

This one shows the illustrated map of Arabia along with parts of Lubya, Iraq, Iran and Eqypt. This shows how much riots and horrific events are happening to the countries which still occur in real life. Well known and infamous people are seen. This clearly tells what is happening in the middle east by the illustration around the detailed map of the countries with brownish watercolour paints

Another example of his work in same use of media but in a different illustration of another country. He does show some work on the maps of the location possibly by looking at other maps to know the specific details and photos of the country to draw with the map.