Tuesday 1 October 2013

George Butler

George Butler is an illustrator who creates his artwork using pen, ink and watercolour. He shows a sense of adventure and goes many places such as Turkey and Syria, recorded stories among people he met. His drawings can be found in varied of media; BBC, ARD television Germany, NPR (USA) and CNN twice.

This one shows the illustrated map of Arabia along with parts of Lubya, Iraq, Iran and Eqypt. This shows how much riots and horrific events are happening to the countries which still occur in real life. Well known and infamous people are seen. This clearly tells what is happening in the middle east by the illustration around the detailed map of the countries with brownish watercolour paints

Another example of his work in same use of media but in a different illustration of another country. He does show some work on the maps of the location possibly by looking at other maps to know the specific details and photos of the country to draw with the map.

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