Thursday 5 December 2013

Creative CV Template

A CV is a Marketing Tool to promote yourself and your skills. There are two types of CV - which are a chronological CV and a skills-based or functional CV.

Write your CV to match your target career with clear understanding and details about you and your skills. Things to take important notes such as:

  • Be concise - No more than two pages long.
  • Put the most relevant information first.
  • Make sure the information you want is to give is clear with detail information and understandable for the readers.
  • Write in the third person - as in to avoid using 'I' in the CV.
  • Make sure it is presented and delivered in an appropriate manner in relation to the reader.
People who want to work for a creative industry need a CV like everyone else.

What can a new graduate put on their CV?
  • You will need a CV to gain part-time work, this should show your qualifications, experience and transferable skills.
  • You will need a Creative CV to show your, experience, transferable skills and creative directions.
\What can my creative CV look like?
It can be anything you want so long as it's professional, or just something to relate your career like for art it can be part of an artwork from drawing or digital media. But must remember to make it readable and clear for anyone in a target career you want can read it.
  • UP date your present CV and bring into the next session if you don't have CV research and find a suitable CV layout for yourself.
  • Research creative Practitioners CV and have ready for the next session

Right:I like how this looks very creative with the purple circles grouped together into purple clouds and white curled lines make it look like something from a dream. They don't get in the way of the writing which would be important to not make the template a mess.

Below: This one is an interesting idea for a CV template to have a tree with each root for the skills to go with and the leafs at the end of them.

List of grades, levels of skills of using computer software. Interesting idea of adding a phrase from a well known person at the bottom, which can be a good idea to use so long as it has a understanding and related to the CV.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Planet Earth

The book of the documentary series by David Attenborough is one of the great things to know about the planet we live on and the natural wildlife all over the world in every country that exist. In the photo and footage of the book and TV, there are stunning images of animals of their unique features, stop motions like a bird's wing flap, bees flying and a shark leaping out of the water when catching it's prey.
It reveals information about birds, mammals, reptiles, insects and fish of every known species with David Attenborough as the host of the series to talk about the animals all over the Earth and the importance of their existence.

Each photo shows a stunning view of the world by satellite cameras for the series, including details of the landscapes. There were incredible details and sceneries people could hardly imagine. I find the photos stunning and incredible, showing the landscapes like the tropical forests, oceans, mountains and even deserts for examples. The producers of the series made excellant work to take shots of the landscapes and natural environments for the viewers and readers to see more of our home planet to appreciate nature more.

Sunday 1 December 2013

The Future is Wild book version

The book of the documentary series by Nigel Dixon about what life would look like from 5 million to 200 million years in the future. Gives a more detail information from the series and how animals have evolved in the future time periods.

The first part takes place in the next Ice Age where some animals are still familiar from their ancestors, the Amazon Rainforest turns into a grassland and the mediterranean sea turns into a salty desert.

In 100 million year, the planet becomes warm when the amphibious squids start taking the land and the biggest land animals ever to walk the earth as giant tortoises bigger than the dinosaurs, Antarctica now a tropical forest. And also at the time of the very last mammal species on Earth continue surviving until the next mass extinction.

In the final part of the series in 200 millions from now, a giant landmass; a new Pangea with more stranger, alien-looking creatures dominating the planet. Like fish taking flight, large insects, giant squid now able to walk on land and the smaller ones swing on trees and possibly become the next sentient creatures like us humans.

Liking both the book and TV documentary but the book gives more detail information to help more on the species. For the TV series it shows how the creatures move, behave and interact with each other, during the scientists' talk about them, they reveal how their biology works like how a spitfire bird shoots out chemicals, insects work together to catch their prey and the continents drift and change over time.

There was also an animated series of this for kids to enjoy. But I had hope to see more of the series as they've only showed a little of each area in a different time period, know more of what other animals might evolve into

Gas Giant design

On my final design, I wanted to make a fully digitally painted planet, went for the jupiter appearance cause I really liked how so many stripes made up of colors and especially the Great Red spot which would be beig enough to swallow the Earth whole.

1. I start with a blank layer before creating lines of brownish colours, some of them small to make it as detailed as possible, the lines dont have to be perfect anyway just to make it into near straight as possible. Inspired by the Great Red Spot, I did a brown spot and a smaller one near, making the centres more darker as if the storms were taken effect. 

2. Next thing to do was creating the curves and swirls between the each other to give it a more cloudy appearance but this is just the first stage of making storm-like effect. 

3. Now I then added more lighter colours for the clouds, but lowered the opacity to make the effects work. smudge in the edges to make. 

5. Once the whole thing was completed, I dragged the entire elliptical marquee tool and spherize the selected area. This is one of the useful of ways to make a planet from textures to create a proper planet.

6. Creating a new document with a black background. Dragged the new 'planet' into from the original document and positioned it.

7. Wanting to add some lighting for the planet, adjusting both inner and outer glows using brownish yellow around the gas giant. Not wanting either to look to faint nor too bright, but to make it just right.

8. Adding the star field and altered the brightness, wanting to make it right with the planet. Finally, wanting a shadow on the opposite side of the planet, creating a new layer and coating it black, making sure it has the proper circular shape to match. Dragging it to either side to know where the sun would be, switching to a rubber tool to soften the edges carefully and not go too far. This is one of the few ways to make a shadow for the planet, even cut out most of it as an alternative. Once that's done we have a completely new world.