Sunday 1 December 2013

The Future is Wild book version

The book of the documentary series by Nigel Dixon about what life would look like from 5 million to 200 million years in the future. Gives a more detail information from the series and how animals have evolved in the future time periods.

The first part takes place in the next Ice Age where some animals are still familiar from their ancestors, the Amazon Rainforest turns into a grassland and the mediterranean sea turns into a salty desert.

In 100 million year, the planet becomes warm when the amphibious squids start taking the land and the biggest land animals ever to walk the earth as giant tortoises bigger than the dinosaurs, Antarctica now a tropical forest. And also at the time of the very last mammal species on Earth continue surviving until the next mass extinction.

In the final part of the series in 200 millions from now, a giant landmass; a new Pangea with more stranger, alien-looking creatures dominating the planet. Like fish taking flight, large insects, giant squid now able to walk on land and the smaller ones swing on trees and possibly become the next sentient creatures like us humans.

Liking both the book and TV documentary but the book gives more detail information to help more on the species. For the TV series it shows how the creatures move, behave and interact with each other, during the scientists' talk about them, they reveal how their biology works like how a spitfire bird shoots out chemicals, insects work together to catch their prey and the continents drift and change over time.

There was also an animated series of this for kids to enjoy. But I had hope to see more of the series as they've only showed a little of each area in a different time period, know more of what other animals might evolve into

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