Monday 9 February 2015

Negotiated Project: Creative Myth and Folklore

For the project I decided to do short stories of characters based on myth and legends but made up, create something new and unheard of before to make up new tales of spirits, heroes, deities and animals. Creating something unheard of would require research and source of information to build characters and their backgrounds. It’s important to look at something that inspires my imagination, like people, sceneries, objects and animals to know how they would look like. Without that they would look pointless.

So to make up ideas I needed to find some ideas to build them up, look into other folklore and legends from various cultures. Take notes that would work for my illustrations and write the stories. It’s best to make sure that the stories have some connections to build a fictional world.

Taking notes for the characters I’m illustrating for each of them so that I know what I’m doing. Look into books, galleries, books, locations and films that are great sources for fantasy folklore.

While researching on myths and legends, drawing at the time would help build the ideas up over time, thinking of doing ten to be a start, making sure each of my illustrations have a fair amount of time to work with then doing one thing after the other.

What I plan to do for the module to be what I wanted, I’m making it into a book, either have one side to have the illustration and the other page with the story but can mend them together. Keeping a balance between writing and illustration. So as to show some work in the first few days before moving on to developing them on computer but use both versions, with the original all sketches to see how they look, compared to each other.

It will need the type of paper for publishing to look professional so I would be experimenting on the quality papers and to make a cover and title which are most important for a book to have.

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