Thursday 28 November 2013

Property Rights Copyright

Copyright is formed of layers or 'owner right' for intellectual, commonly found in works made from companies, artists and photographers to prevent their work from being used without permission. It will have an automatic rights by the owner to protect their property. Leaving a Registered Trademark so people would know whose property that work is by legal rights.

Things that people should have when presenting their work:

  • Patents
  • Trade Marks
  • Designs 
  • Copyright
These are the four main types of IP protection when selling legal work to make money. Can either keep or sell the copyright. 

Is there a limit to Copyright?
The limit for the copyright use is usually by several decades after the original owner's death which is the law in many countries and is free for anyone to use after it reached it's copyright length.

How does copyright affect you?
To me, this can protect the legal owner of their work through all the time and effort they put into and know how they came up with the idea and possible references. In Deviantart members protect their work that could be vulnerable for art theft and if feeling a name signature isn't enough they ad a watermark to show that work by rights belong to them and can only ask for permission. Thus, making their work more safer in websites like Deviantart.

Before I would consider creating an idea, I would start some research, look into some ideas from others, for artists I would make certain notes of how they made their work successful, if possible get to know them by person or through internet. Know what to avoid such as lawsuit and court is certainly one of them.

There are loads of great artists and feel offended myself if my work was used without any permission, so I rather not steal any work from those who inspired me to become an artist. I rather take some ideas and alter them so there wouldn't be any connections unless that legal party is aware of an had given that said person their permission.

5 differences between Mac and pc users

The five facts between PC and Mac computers out of many reasonable things of which is better than the other.

1. PC computers are more older and have been around much longer than Macs as they've only been made since 1964 when the first computers were made. So it would make PC users to be older and more conservative than the younger generation as they have grown up with the PC computers. Mac users in today's decade would most likely be around 18 years to their early thirties with most younger generations using them from colleges in computer work, graphics and illustration. PC types are about 20 percent most likely to live in places like the suburbs or the countrysides when Mac type users would live in towns or cities depending on how much either one of these two could afford.

2. The strange thing I found was what food Mac and pc users normally eat and drink, which I found was strange. From what I've learned, about 80 percent of those who use Macs are more likely to be vegetarians than PC users, which mostly likely most I know eat both regular food. Food they prefer would be Tuna sandwiches, sweets

3. One of the obvious differences would be the price of the computers. For those wanting Macs would need to pay nearly a grand (usuually around £900) but are rarely comparable to PC computers.

4. Operation systems work differently between the two as the PC takes limit of time to download given the type of system and drives they're given. The hard drives for the Mac computers with up to date technology would make things more tolerable and easier to download.

5. The main difference between these two is the security systems, protection against viral systems on the majority that are PC as a common target than Macs as they have more better firewalls to protect data the users have in their computers. However with Mac becoming increasingly popular over the years it will most likely that they will become a new target for computer viruses and possibly hackers who know their way with computers.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Man After Man: Anthropology of the Future

One of the books of  Dougal Dixon who imagines what life on Earth would be like in the distant future. This illustrator book tells how humanity might evolve from a few centuries to millions of years through genetic engineering. Taking forms of cyborgs, genetically engineered human-animal hybrids to adapt to certain environments until their descendants would eventually evolve less human then their ancestors. Split into numerous human-based species since they can no longer be created from labs after the remaining humans have left earth, evolved into even more stranger looking creatures then their ancestors of new humans and insight of how they behave, adapt and survive; human parasites, sloth men, swimmers . The distant human descendants would eventually look more alien than us.

I found the book interesting of how humans might evolve into which is one of my main interest, how our descendants would look in the future either by genetic engineering or split from the mainstream when living on different planets. But what I found less liking about the book is how almost all the future human species share similar faces from their ancestors, I highly doubt if we become a new species we wouldn't have the same flat faces that I find odd and annoying how they look similar to each other

Thursday 21 November 2013

Career Oppertunities

Transferable skills are when people with BA (Hons) can transfer what they are good at or qualified through communication, working with other people in a team and transfar data to the people who using a computer. Many businesses today use computers to send messages and files to those they work with if they life in such far distance which is easier than sending postal letters that artists would then risk getting their work being damaged and safe loads of time to it's destination.
  • For starters a BA (hons) (meaning Bachalor of Arts) is a degree level which can lead you into an honours degree and proffessional qualification of qualifited status.
  • Post-Graduates are students who graduate would most likely recieve a job within six months approximately after recieving their diplomas.
  • People who earn such degree levels would c
  • ould earnt he oppurtunity to work in art, fashion and film studios that accepted them for their professinal skills and have a chance to work with other artists they may know of their work and others who could also be postgraduates.

How to Apply for Postgraduates

  • If you are going for a course for teacher training, postgraduates will apply to the Graduate Teacher Training Registry, or GTTR for short. This can be done by simply go for an online application form that you need for the target courses.

MA Social Work

  • Once you've applied for the course through a Course Finder which should be found in many UCAS websites, you'll then be directed to the online application form you would need.

PG Dip Legal Practice and PG Dip Law

  •  When enrolling for a full-time entry to these courses you should apply to the Central Application Board. Part-time applicants should apply directly to Leeds Metroplitan.

Chartered Institue of PR - Advanced Certificate & Advanced Diploma

  • For the course you've chosen, you should apply directly to the CIPR.

Research Programmes

Before applying to get involved in one of the selected research programmes, you need to discuss your chosen course subject with an academic member of staff. You will find the contact details in a research page of application website.

When to apply

For the majority of postgraduate courses, there are no specific deadlines, however it might be best interest to submit your application as soon as possible rather than later to save the amount of time. To find out, best check out the Course Finders to know the start dates as not all of them have similiar starting dates.

Keep in touch

If you have trouble to apply online, best get in touch with the staff by the phone or email which are most helpful.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Completed Nebula

This is the now completed work of my digital painted nebula. What I found difficult was to make it into a cloud/gaseous state as most nebulae have the exploded appearance and also making a number of stars all over the portrait which can be a pain to do without the need of a proper star field stock.


kaleb lechowski

Kaleb Lechowski is a digital animated art who had down many designs from Science Fiction movies, including other themes such as landscapes creating models, and mostly sketches of his own which later become a short film of aliens fighting an army of advance AI that turned against their creators, which parallels to us in familiar films.

I really admired the hard work he put into to make a short CGI film of an alien character, made a lot of effort to it. Watched the film and loved to see the feature length film one day.

Short Movie:

Thursday 14 November 2013

DIgital experimentation: Nebula

Trying out new ideas I came with the idea of making a blueish nebula-like portrait. So I thought I do that extend my skills a little further.

1. Started out using white over it but wanting to make sure it has the fading edges, lowered the capacity and flow to make it work which only took a few minutes but given the pace I use it should worth the patience. After that I then switched the brush tool for the smudge tool to spread them out more and

2. Raised the Capacity a little higher to focus on some areas in the light stream, make some of them bright and some parts darker. Using a similar technique using the Curve to adjust it further more, only slightly after trying other ways as some were too dark and others too bright for my portrait. After a few more tries I got it to what you see now on the screenshot and did some adjustments, rubbing some areas where I used the brush tool.

3. Finally on to the last touch for my development, I altered the colours into a more blueish, done some more editing to some areas and smudged them more again. Really liked how this turned out, much more better then the playing black and white I originally intended.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Planet Experimentation

I was starting to get the hang of planet building for over a year and thought it could come into some use for a career one day. So I had a look at a few planets and how they look found some tutorials of artists creating planets of their own. The first few desigsn are found in my Deviantart gallery which didnt turn out so bad but after a further look in some depth of creating planets I needed to find the right texture and resources for my experiments.

What I further need to experiment with is the land and oceans to make earth-like planets in the near future for illustration projects.

Gilles Beloeil

Beloeil is an artist who is known for his work on the game series Assassin's Creed. What I like about his work is how detailed and realistic the illustrations are and how much effort to create such excellant details. Even how Gilles had traced them from historic landscapes and knowing what period they belong to.

Guangjian Huang

 Guangjian Huang is a chinese illustrator of digital science fiction and fantasy art. His work are incredibly detailed and awesome, spending hours with the tools needed to make such pieces of artwork. His work can be found on these websites: and

Thursday 7 November 2013

Jovian Floater

For one of our newest assignments was for digital manipulation and my first one was to enhance the sketch of one of my earlier designs, so I chose this from when we were creating strange creatures. Wanting this to be more alien so I did a few sketches first before scanning it to the computer.

1. Here is the sketch of the original design, I used two creatures to make up this strange one: one a star fish and the other was a jellyfish. There was an idea of making more than one but with other designs to do at a limit, I just stuck to using one.

2. Removing the creature below and expanding the one from the top to fill in the area.

3. The next thing was to start on a new layer and draw over the sketch. I had to do it a few times over to make it enough to look good and most of all with the smaller tentacles.

4. Now I started on the coloring stage, Tried a few ideas for how the creature would look so I came up with a brownish color scheme. Did the lighter colors first and then tried some shadings. It was more like experimenting of the color scheme for how it will turn out before going further.

5. Added a more pinkish color and darken it a little more, including the brown larger tentacles to make them browner before adding lighter shades to it.

 6. Creating a lighter tone on the surface of the top of the creature and using a lighter brown color, before doing that I needed to use a lighter and more softer tone of the brush tool to brighten up the design. The same thing for the 'head' so it would have some soft patterns.

 7. I figured that it looked a little dark by the use of colors by the lower half of the body and the smaller tendrils, so I used the Brightness/Contrast tool to adjust the color with a more bright pink tone. Made certain it was not so bright otherwise it would loose the dark luminous patterns.

 8. Moving the design to a new page and on to a new layer over the background, going for a near-blue sky from using a dark blue to a lighter blue. Rotating the creature to make it more right for the background later on.

 9. Blending the three colours together using the Smudge tool which made the sky more like a cloudy-background.

 10. Making a new layer to make more clouds, I lowered the capacity and flow to make it work, took a few minutes to get them look just right. The bottom was now more of a brownish color to make it look as though it was actually flying or drifting in the air.

 11. Creating more clouds and wanting to brown 'surface' to appear more like a giant cloud using more brownish colors to make the idea work and using a darker brown for the depths it would be from the light. Adjusting the brush tool to do detailed tasks before it can be completed. For the final touch, I worked on the clouds again and this time making them into a great curve by the distance as if they were pulled or moved to turn by the wind currents.

 12. Finally completed and made a few adjustments to be sure it is done. The background I had the idea from looking some planets of how it should have and stumbled upon the amazing image of Jupiter's clouds from the surface and thought why not make something like that. So far this is as close as I can get after hours of work but very much enjoyed how it turned out in the end.

Monday 4 November 2013

Arne Svenson

Click to enlarge image atlanta004-copy.jpg

The sculptured facial expressions made by Arne Svenson are almost live-like with almost all the details. Possibly how this was done before computers become more of use for investigations on the skeletal remains of the person.  It must've taken sculptures like Svenson a lot of effort to get the faces right and also the bodies to know what they once looked like.

Michael Kuo

This one from Michael Kuo seems very interesting and how they look almost cartoonish by the way they look.  The proportions are unusual by their body shapes, but what I dont normally like is the bright colours more use than dark colours apart of the shadows and the greyish background, probably thinking of this gaining attention of children and family audiance.

Artist Research: Terryl Whitlatch

Terry Whitlatch is an illustrator that creates many animals with skills and talent that are known for such

works, such as the art books, strange creatures in many films like Star Wars, Brother Bear, Jumanji and Men in Black. Celebrated as one of the top creature designers in the art world. She had also drawn many illustrations in the Katarran Odyssey book. Studied and researched in anotomy of animals and also include extinct species such as the dinosaurs; bones, muscles and organs for research of how these parts function.

Creating new and strange looking creatures would require sourceful materials of the existing animals, working on certain things they need such as how they behave, eat, adapt to such environments.

Photographer Hal

One of things I find interesting, yet creepy in the same way is how the naked bodies of people blanketed in plastic sheets, sealed tight as though they were body bags from a crime scene. Although not all of them are bad to look at but still felt that people wrapped in vacuum-sealed bags is like something from a movie.
Click to enlarge image Screen shot 2013-10-10 at 8.34.20 PM.png

Ted Sabarese

After seeing several photos taken by Ted of people and fish, I found it funny how each of them look almost similar by their face, shape and color. One on the right having the mustache with the fish having whiskers for example. It's actually like seeing two opposites but having something in common. His photography skills were used for surreal adverts with people and whatever things that gives a message. Even took photos of fashion models as part of is career