Thursday 28 November 2013

Property Rights Copyright

Copyright is formed of layers or 'owner right' for intellectual, commonly found in works made from companies, artists and photographers to prevent their work from being used without permission. It will have an automatic rights by the owner to protect their property. Leaving a Registered Trademark so people would know whose property that work is by legal rights.

Things that people should have when presenting their work:

  • Patents
  • Trade Marks
  • Designs 
  • Copyright
These are the four main types of IP protection when selling legal work to make money. Can either keep or sell the copyright. 

Is there a limit to Copyright?
The limit for the copyright use is usually by several decades after the original owner's death which is the law in many countries and is free for anyone to use after it reached it's copyright length.

How does copyright affect you?
To me, this can protect the legal owner of their work through all the time and effort they put into and know how they came up with the idea and possible references. In Deviantart members protect their work that could be vulnerable for art theft and if feeling a name signature isn't enough they ad a watermark to show that work by rights belong to them and can only ask for permission. Thus, making their work more safer in websites like Deviantart.

Before I would consider creating an idea, I would start some research, look into some ideas from others, for artists I would make certain notes of how they made their work successful, if possible get to know them by person or through internet. Know what to avoid such as lawsuit and court is certainly one of them.

There are loads of great artists and feel offended myself if my work was used without any permission, so I rather not steal any work from those who inspired me to become an artist. I rather take some ideas and alter them so there wouldn't be any connections unless that legal party is aware of an had given that said person their permission.

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