Thursday 14 November 2013

DIgital experimentation: Nebula

Trying out new ideas I came with the idea of making a blueish nebula-like portrait. So I thought I do that extend my skills a little further.

1. Started out using white over it but wanting to make sure it has the fading edges, lowered the capacity and flow to make it work which only took a few minutes but given the pace I use it should worth the patience. After that I then switched the brush tool for the smudge tool to spread them out more and

2. Raised the Capacity a little higher to focus on some areas in the light stream, make some of them bright and some parts darker. Using a similar technique using the Curve to adjust it further more, only slightly after trying other ways as some were too dark and others too bright for my portrait. After a few more tries I got it to what you see now on the screenshot and did some adjustments, rubbing some areas where I used the brush tool.

3. Finally on to the last touch for my development, I altered the colours into a more blueish, done some more editing to some areas and smudged them more again. Really liked how this turned out, much more better then the playing black and white I originally intended.

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