Wednesday 14 January 2015


For what I've been working on for the last several weeks including the holidays was working on a comic book. This is actually the second time I've done a comic for an assignment and took what I learnt from my skills and mistakes on the first one. Began writing the story down and thought about the characters along with the plot. Decided to go for a science fiction genre with a touch of alternative history and mythic touch, used the name from the original comic but made it more different as it's part of a series I've been working on one for awhile now.

It was hard working on the panels for each part to tell the story and what to draw in them, I had to look into a lot of my comics and manga to get an idea. Keeping it a minimum of pages, depending on the story and add gallery pages seeing it as an experiment for the comic. I didn't want to do anything random so I used one side of the page for the sketches and page layouts and the other for the transcript for what the characters say and where the story goes, that way it helps me remember what to sketch. Did some research on Mars as it is the main setting of the project, about it's popularity in fiction and thought what sort of aliens I could use,

Originally intended to have a group of parasitic aliens but scrapped the idea for another story and thought of making tall spindly humanoid plant-like creatures that have slept for thousands of years and make it seem to them they were invaded rather then the usual alien invasion and make it a bit of a twist. It was a little tricky to picture what they look like, wanting to make them completely alien and each one being slightly different to each other.

What was considered the hardest of the module was printing it out as the printer didn't do what I ask for and had to do it a few times until it was done. SO far I'm glad how it turned out and felt relieved to finish it.

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