Tuesday 13 January 2015


Japan's comics have been one of the major popular type of illustrations for readers and fans to read from the opposite direction and usually in black and white, but some are printed in colour. They are grouped together in books called volumes rather than issuers mostly.

The medium in maya works in mange ranges of genres: action, sci fi, fantasy, history, romance, comedy, horror, sexuality and drama, etc. Japan has been printing manga books for decades, going back to the 19th century and in the late 20th century began animating them into anime series but usually either go on break or make original episodes not relating to the story until the number of chapters or new plot has been published.

Not all of them follow the same direction of the manga such as Fullmetal Alchemist and Shaman King that usually differ from the plot, create original characters and a new story arc.

They are found in magazines, book shops and places that sell them and have been ground over the decades. Being one of the most popular books in the market for their unique style and being different from comic books and graphic novels. They are translated into many languages for readers that are unable to read Japanese kanji.

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