Monday 4 May 2015

Character design: Herrianne

For my next character design for project, thought of making an angelic being but different from any  other angels. Making it almost like a stature but float in the air. Giving it a halo like I've given one to Geno-Thane has but more behind the back.

1. Done a sketch of Hierrianne to build the idea for it's appearance, using the appendages in place of wings and leaving out the arms and legs. Drawing several objects hovering around the halo to represent it's appearance and being a powerful deity. What was needed to change it's appearance were the head and lower half as the torso was bigger then the rest. So what I did was alter the sizes.

2.After scanning it in and going over it with some lining over the character. Wanting an old paper background with yellow brown colour with brown in some parts of the background. 

3. Using a darker tone of brown over the character for the shading in many places for the direction of where the light. Using a lighter brown once the shading is complete, tuning it up to a near whitish-color, more towards the hair for the highlights.

4. Darkening the areas around it to leave an outer glow surrounding it, decided to give it a godly pose by making a bright shine where the halo is, using the lens tool for the job but making sure it doesn't become too bright over it's head. I thought placing it in the centre of the halo as it feels right for being an angel and all.

As it now turns out to be a celestial being, really like how it looks and the background, even the glow makes it stand out then most of my illustrations. Reasons for not making wings was thought to make it different then a common stereotype of angel we normally see in myths and legends.

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