Sunday 14 December 2014

Research on Mars

As the story would take place on Mars I took some thought and time to do some research on the Red Planet for my Travelling Man project. As it's one of the most common use of sic fi genres for writers and artists alike throughout the century. John Carter of Mars, Mars Attacks, the Martian Manhunter and the War of the Worlds are some of the famous examples of the science fiction.

Mars in fiction:
It had captivated our imaginations and purpose to go there to make it our second home with the growing population on earth overcrowding and colonisation seems to be the solution for our future due to the distance between Earth and Mars and the only planet with no hostile atmosphere, but we still need to find a way to make it breathable one day to inhabit this world in the future.

In common fiction media for Mars it is usually a colony, terraformed planet or home planet of martian civilisation for many roles like invaders in movies.

Facts about Mars:

One of the main facts of how it got its name was, like many of the planets in our solar system was named after a mythological god/goddess. Mars was the Roman God of War and the son of Jupiter.

For centuries Mars has been one of the most favoured planets in our solar system, the main attention for exploration and our theory wether life had existed on the Red Planet in the past or not due to the thin atmosphere and iron oxide in the air that would make life on Earth unable to survive, there is possibility that microbes could thrive on the planet or beneath it as we still don't know much of Mars and its secrets. The two polar regions covered in ice show some promising suggestions as micro organisms can survive any environment that humans can't as scientists have studied places too hot and cold on Earth for examples. Due to the further distance from the sun and a small world, it completely lacks any oceans, only a single barren wasteland of dust and sand.

Also for the fact that since Mars doesn't have a moon but two chunks of rock in orbit, it mostly tilts about by the gravitational pull from the Sun or other large planets like Jupiter. And the seasons would be different and

The most well known features on the planet is the great large system of canyons known as the Valles Marineris, but the region is called Tharis on both old and new maps of Mars it is over 4000 km long, which in meters is 2500 miles. One of the largest canyon rifts in the entire system.

Probes have been sent to Mars to map out the entire planet and collect mineral samples from rocks for further studies.

Terraforming research:
There have been many research on how terraforming planets will work but mostly different depends on the mass and size of the planets.

Major changes for Martian environment to change for human settlements, examples like:

  • Making the atmosphere more thicker and breathable using the right chemical constituents. Insert greenhouse gas to make the planet warm and cause the ice caps to melt to produce water and introdue CO2 to the polar caps.
  • Outposts and colonies that proceed with the process to monitor the changes in Mars' environment and atmosphere while settling 
  • Introduce algae and microbes on some parts of the planet to absorb sunlight, the ground would then warm up the atmosphere more and give Mars a new small oxygen contribution from the algae. Makes a good step to the direction for terraforming process.
  • Obviously asteroids with ice would be good use to make water, humans will have some difficulty directing them towards Mars and bombard the surface. This happened on Earth billions of years ago when there was barely any signs of life after it was formed.
  • Satellites to direct sunlight to direct solar radiation.
  • A large moon about the size of ours would be enough to keep the planet from tilting about by the gravitational pull. Keeping a tidal effect and important for any marine creatures we introduce to Mars one day.

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