Tuesday 4 November 2014

Agnes Obel Poster

1. So I wanted to have a natural landscape, something to fight in with Agnus' music and make it look natural and relaxing to look at. Drawn a few sketches and found this much more worth to work on for one of my projects for the module. All it needed were trees, unspoiled landscape and mountains. I wasn't so sure about eh cabin really, so I decided to remove that to make it truly untouched by human beings.

2.Making a river with bright colours and reflecting the northern lights wasn't entirely easy so I took some moment to think how they would look and find a few pics of other Northern Lights seen at night. Knowing full well they don't go in a full stream as some tend to fade out then the rest and flow like wind or water. Gone for the purplish colour for the night sky and wanting the lights to flow like an actual river, gave one side a more brighter pink to blend with the darker colours as it reflects the sunset from the sky.

3.I focused on the green light and added more brighter green to some areas where they be more concentrated then the rest, used the smudge tool to pull the mist about to make it thinner. The black line had to go as I didn't want them to be seen in the river, otherwise it could ruin the moment replace them with ripple lining to replace them, making sure they interact with the sides and go along with the river. 

4. Giving it a more light pinkish sunset on one side to cast the reflection of the sky instead of a normal black sky. Adding stars to go with lights, some small light dots and the larger ones with twinkling sparkle to make it more of a night sky, I wanted the river to have a natural ripple, not a solid line to show how they interact with rocks, shores and land.

5. Going for the dawn/sunset theme I used the purple and pink colors to be in place of the orange and dark, blend them together to make a natural change of color in the direction of the sun would be. The mountains I was working on had to have a dark grey color and dark areas for the shadow 

6. Adding more shading and texture to the snow but what I was starting to dislike were the trees, they don't have the natural formation like real life trees have. The green leafs were not so good and decided to restart on the forest, looked into a few photos on winter trees and sketched a few sketches of trees in my sketchbook. 

7. needing texture which is more important for the landscape, like the snow, wood and sand, especially the rocks, tried out different tools to make a few patterns. The mountains needed a little more work before I do more on the trees. The orange line demonstrates how they will appear before drawing them.

8. Following the designs of my sketches of the trees, I made the closest trees bigger then the rest for the distance rather then being the same size. Giving them an earthly brown color and lighter brown/red for the texture.

9. I now moved on to adding some owls to make the landscape more of an unspoiled natural landscape with wildlife, so I scanned in the sketches of two owls and used them to find a few places before I draw them. Wanting them to look lively and interact with the landscape.

10. Went back to finishing off the river and give it a better look with a group of stars, some that are bigger then the rest would have a twinkling look and stretched them on four sides,  giving a more starlight impression.

11. I went back to the page where the owls are and decided to look at some natural colours owls normally have, each one be different to the other. one yellow/brown and the second grey and black.

12. Now that I got the two owls complete, I moved them into a few places to find where they are more comfortable at, making sure they don't fill one side or leave too much space in the landscape. SO I moved the one on the right by the river so it would appear to be soaring over the river and the one on the left clinging on to a branch. 

13. Intended to make an original design for the title, make it bold but italic to fit in with the poster, however it didn't seem to work, so I experimented with the text until I found a better one such as the pic below and thus completes my poster.

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