Wednesday 5 November 2014

My evaluation on the album illustration

When we first received our first module to illustrate albums of our pick and create merchandises. I was having some hard time choosing which musician to work and research on but found a liking to Agnus Obel's classical and relaxing music, so I went for her and looked into her background, how she was inspired by other musicians and sought out how to make good merchandises. I drew a few sketches, researched on album illustrations and what I thought from my perspective.

The first one was working on the landscape poster, I thought that since her music was relaxing and soothing with her scandinavian heritage, why not make a natural landscape but a little more towards folklore/fantasy, it was easy working out how it would look but took a while to finish it off then the rest because of working on the texture, getting the trees right. What I liked about it is how it looked like a dreamscape with the night sky being purplish and the river containing the northern lights and stars rather than the sky. I really liked how it turned out and added the owls which were a nice touch to give it a more wildlife activity and unspoiled. Originally I was going to add a cabin in it but I thought it didn't work so I removed it. The annoying part was working on the title, wanted it to be original and wanting to have the italic style but so far that didn't work either and used other text and make sure it would fit in with the poster.

After completing the first one I now moved on to the rest and had this idea of making a flip book for the editorial, I know it won't be perfect but nothing wrong of trying it, so I decided what to animate and picked an owl since owls are in Europe and watched a few slow motions of owls flying. I used my sketchbook to practice and used each page on the bottom corner and made sure they were in the right place to make it work. After completing it in my spare time, I took each shot of them on the computer and used a page for eight shots, worked on the background and originally intended to leave the owl untouched but thought it would be nice to have some colour and did so. Had to trim them to be the same shape and tide them together. After completing it I felt it was really good for my first try and how it turned out. The hard part was getting them in the right place so it wouldn't be too messy and any mistakes on it.

Making a few prints wasn't easy, it was very difficult to know what sort of print I wanted and people gave me suggestions yet I still don't know how since it wasn't my strongest but wanting to give a go for a good grade. It was not easy finding iridescent paper, or holographic sheets as some prefer but finally found some and ordered them straight away on special order. I used some of my earlier sketches and used sheets to experiment before proceeding to use the sheets I've ordered and used different paints and had to have a little bit of help to make sure they were right at first until I understander how to print them properly. It was not easy spray painting outside when it was windy but I was helped out knowing where to find a room to do it inside without causing problems. What I liked about it was how I learnt new experiences and being careful of using paints and new techniques to try but not easy to remember but there's always experiences I can use in the near future.

ON my final merchandise was making the cd cover, all I had to do was make it different but used one of the owls from my poster so that it had connections. Giving it a winter background, a blueish moon and an owl flying in the night. I figured the background looked too plain so I added some snow for the final touch and to be honest it was just a random idea but really liked how it turned out, find it funny how ideas just come and not knowing they would be good.

What I liked about the module was getting new ideas, experimenting with tools in digital, printing and paints to build the ideas. I actually enjoyed doing the flip book and glad everyone liked the idea, the poster is my favoured work since it had a lot of landscape and wanting it to be a digital painting and offered suggestions that I took and used.

The things I didn't enjoy were trying to find the sheets needed for editorial and went to many shops looking for them. sent emails to shops but never on time before the deadline. And always worrying that I keep forgetting something that was important which usually happens when focusing on my work but it turned out good in the end and hopefully doesn't happen too often in the future. I did enjoy this module and glad its completed.

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