Monday 17 November 2014

DC Comics

DC comics has numerous stories about superheroes protecting the innocent from super villains and doing what is right. Forming crime fighting groups like the Justice League, Green Lantern Corps, Teen Titans and Young Justice. It is one of the most popular comic book series and has been published for nearly a century since the first issues of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman show ere the original and common members of the Justice League.

Many characters in the DC universe have super human abilities, wear fancy outfits and disguises to conceal their identities but the villains are well known in public when arrested. But not all characters are entirely human as the majority of them are mostly alien, supernatural entities, gods, mutants or meta-humans. Although not all of them have background histories to know how they received superpowers in the first place.

That wouldn't have been a problem in the past but over the years, fans want solid info on how the characters came to be as they are like Superman who was a baby being sent to Earth after Krypton blew up and recieved his powers under the exposure of a yellow sun.

Batman became a crime fighting vigilant after witnessing the death of his parents while under the impersonation of a multi millionaire Bruce Wayne.

The Green Lanterns use their rings made from an energy source made by an ancient race of small blue skinned humanoids known as the Guardians of the Universe and allow the users' will to manifest whatever they think off so long as they wear them. It is also same for the other power rings but are different by emotions and formed their own groups like the Sinestro Corps, Red Lanterns, Orange lanterns, the Black Lanterns, Indigo Tribe and Blue Lanterns.

There are many characters who use magic from their and others from chemicals either from experiments or accidents which in real life would've been fatal but they're more popular in fiction in other comics also.

But what I can't stand is how too powerful some characters are like Superman who was the most powerful hero in his time, doing things impossible with super strength, incredible speed and flight to defend the world. But over the years the comic writers did seem to give him weaknesses like Kryptonite and knowing that there are other characters as strong as he is. It should be important for characters like DC not to have overpowered heroes and villains as they would have to learn to adapt their abilities.

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