Tuesday 25 November 2014

RJ Palmer

RJ Palmer, is a freelance concept artist and illustrator who specialises in character and creature designs, and really incredible work and effort he put into his drawings. I really liked how amazing his artwork is and even make realistic pokemon that are my favourite of his illustration when I follow his work on Deviantart, morphing them into actual creatures that interact in the real world and write stories about them. I have been a fan of the series when I was a kid and still remember some of them when I watched the series, and also really been keen of seeing realistic pokemon by artists but hard to find until I found Palmer's as he goes by the name Arvalis.

He studied living and extinct animals to get the Pokemon to look with real world influence and separate them from the anime version which is a useful resource of making up a strange animal by looking at the skeleton, physical form and texture, but it does show he's been looking at prehistoric animals and dinosaurs. The colour work is really unique, really talented on the scales, skin and fur for the creatures, the characters are well thought out They are really unique and very original which I can't help but admire them and made me want to do more thought of ideas and looking at his work I can't help but look at their appearances and look at more unique animals in the natural world


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