Wednesday 12 November 2014

New project Comic illustration

On to our next brief, we have been given multiple choices of what to do, it was a little hard for me to choose which one but felt like I wanted to do the Travelling Man brief where it has more freedom of ideas and imagination, the other comic brief was more towards social live which to be frank, didn't suite me at all so I thought I give this another go to make a comic but better then the first one I did. Those of you who don't know I did one two
30. years ago on a final major project in Graphics CCAD, looking back from my latest work it was not as good as I imagined but got the story good. It was meant to be a teaser for the series I'm dedicated to make become a series.

so for my idea, it possibly be some scifi fantasy, like an introduction to a series

Below: This was what I made and thought of using the same title but change it a little, something to recycle for future ideas. what I plan to do is by drawing the sketches of the pages and write down the transcript to plan out the page on the other using my sketchbook. Make advert pages related to the comic issue.

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